Strahl & Pitsch offers an extensive range of the finest food-grade Paraffin waxes from domestic and international sources. Paraffin waxes come from the de-waxing of paraffin distillates. Paraffin waxes have relatively large, brittle crystals (Macro crystalline) and generally have little affinity for oil.
Strahl & Pitsch offers a full range of Paraffin Waxes with hundreds of applications and uses.
Little affinity for oil
Penetration Modifier
Forms Available:
Paraffin Wax is compatible with many vegetable and mineral waxes and a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients.
上海臨辰醫藥科技有限公司 代理銷售藥用蠟:藥用巴西棕櫚蠟,白蜂蠟,黃蜂蠟,小燭樹蠟,微晶蠟,石蠟, STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 黃蜂蠟Yellow Beeswax, DR-100P,NF。安徽國產白蜂蠟
原標題:巴西棕櫚蠟在食品涂層中的作用巴西棕櫚蠟是一種黃色固體,質硬而脆,不溶于水的植物蠟片。巴西蠟是由生長在巴西東北部的皮奧伊州、塞阿拉州的巴西棕櫚樹的葉子上提取出來的蠟片,具有***的特性,能夠適用于任何行業。巴西棕櫚蠟是少數除小燭樹蠟外硬度**高的一種天然蠟片,質地堅硬,具有極高的光澤性,易于乳化。其獨有的拋光性能使它在食品、醫藥、家具、皮革等方面得到普遍應用。而在食品行業一般用做食品添加劑。在糖衣巧克力、糖果、口香糖等領域的脫模上有著***的應用。在我國,食品添加劑使用中規定:巴西棕櫚蠟的功能為被膜劑和抗結劑,具體限量用法為,巴西棕櫚蠟用于新型的可食用涂層中,涂在食品表面起到保鮮的目的。可以保持食品的新鮮度、口感、氣味、質感以及營養價值。安徽國產白蜂蠟美國史東畢斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 固體石蠟 Paraffin Wax, SP-173,NF.
Carnauba wax is considered among the hardest of natural waxes. It has a high melting point, enhances oil retention, produces a very durable film, is valued as a stable co-emulsifying agent and serves as an exceptional polishing aid.
Carnauba Wax is obtained from the leaves of the Brazilian palm tree known as ‘Copernica Cerifera’, also referred to as the "Tree of Life". The Carnauba palm flourishes in northeastern regions within Brazil, and proliferates naturally along riverbanks, streams and damp low-lands.
Melt Point Modifier
Viscosity Modifier
Polish Base
Water Repellent
OIl and Solvent Retention
Grades available:
No #1 Yellow (Type 1)
NC #3 Light (Type 3)
NC #3 Dark (Type 4 - Filtered)
Carnauba Wax is compatible with many vegetable and mineral waxes and a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients.
Test | Method | Specification |
Color | Visual | White |
Identification IR | Current Paraffin NF monograph | Complies |
Congealing Point | Current Paraffin NF monograph | 47 - 65 °C |
Acidity | Current Paraffin NF monograph | Complies |
Alkalinity | Current Paraffin NF monograph | Complies |
Readily Carbonizable Substances | Current Paraffin NF monograph | Complies |
Limit of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons | Current Paraffin NF monograph | Complies |
Limit of Sulfur Compounds | Current Paraffin NF monograph | Complies |
Residual Solvents Class 3 MEK | Current Paraffin NF monograph | NMT 0.5% |
Residual Solvents Class 2 Toluene | Current Paraffin NF monograph | NMT 800 ppm |
一、石蠟的理化特性(一)石蠟是由于高分子碳氫化合物所構成,其結構式為CLH2n+2。含有16~35個碳原子的正烷烴,有少量的異構烷烴和環烷烴。為白色或黃色半透明無水的固體,無臭無味,呈中性反應。對酸和堿不易起反應,不溶于水,微溶于水,微溶于酒精、易溶于**、汽油、苯、煤油、氯仿等,在一般情況下不與氯化劑發生反應。(二)石蠟是石油的蒸鎦產物,其溶點為30-70℃,沸點為350-360℃。。當石蠟加熱到100℃或更高時,在與氧氣充分接觸的條件下,容易被空氣中的氧氣所氧化。醫用的高純度石蠟,其溶點為50-54℃其含油量。我國早已大量的生產高純度醫用石蠟,供醫療工作的需要。(三)石蠟的熱容量大(見表),導熱性小(導熱系數為),比熱為·度,為良好的帶熱體。由于其不含水分及其他液體物質,而且氣體與水分不能透過,幾乎不呈對流現象,因而有很大的蓄熱性能。(四)石蠟加熱后冷卻時,能放出大量的熱能(熔解熱或凝固熱)(見表),每公斤熔解的石蠟變為固體時,放出的熔解熱平均為39卡熱量,即是熔解時的熱量。熔解石蠟的溫度愈高,由液體變為固體時的過程就愈慢,因而也就能較長地保持溫熱。(五)石蠟具有很大的可塑性,粘稠性和延伸性。隨著熱能的放散和冷卻,石蠟逐漸變硬。STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 巴西棕櫚蠟Carnauba Wax SP-63P。安徽國產白蜂蠟
美國史東畢斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC.微晶蠟Microcrystalline Wax, SP-18,NF.安徽國產白蜂蠟
Microcrystalline waxes are derived from residium. These waxes have very minute crystals (micro-crystals) and are flexible. They have a greater affinity for oil, which is held tightly in the crystalline lattice and does not migrate to the surface.
Microcrystalline Waxes are produced in a variety of melt points, colors, and penetration values. They will add a sensorial benefit to a formulation while improving oil retention.
Oil Retention
Forms Available:
Microcrystalline Wax is compatible with many vegetable and mineral waxes and a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients.
上海臨辰醫藥科技有限公司 代理銷售藥用蠟:藥用巴西棕櫚蠟,白蜂蠟,黃蜂蠟,小燭樹蠟,微晶蠟,石蠟, 安徽國產白蜂蠟