淄博天陽造紙機械有限公司成立于1998年。隨著國內特種紙行業的蓬勃發展,對特種紙設備的要求也越來越高,我公司順應市場需求,于2007年研制開發了具有國內先進水平的滿流式斜網流漿箱,并先后開發了單層式斜網部、單層復合式斜網部、多層復合式斜網部、疊網復合式斜網部、飄片式斜網部、多層飄片式斜網部等,凈紙寬度300mm-4800mm,車速20-350m/min等多車速多規格的產品。廣泛應用于工業濾紙、無紡壁紙、芳綸紙、茶葉袋紙、咖啡袋紙、耐磨紙、表層紙、PE纖維紙、清潔紙、電池隔膜紙、木漿水刺無紡布、皮革基布等的生產。 我公司與國內多家**特種紙生產廠達成常年合作關系,已提供斜網部及斜**種紙機100余臺套,在用戶中享有較好的信譽,在國內具有較高的**度和市場占有率。 歡迎國內外朋友蒞臨指導,愿我們攜手共創特種紙輝煌明天! Zibo Tianyang Paper Making Machinery Co.,Ltd. was founded in 1998.Being a member of SPECIAL ***ER SPECIALIZED COMMITTEE, with domestic specialty paper industry flourishing and great requirements for specialty paper equipments, our company develops the most advanced full flow inclined headbox in local market, also manufactures single layer inclined wire part, single layer combined type inclined part, multilayer combined type inclined wire part, multi-foil combined type inclined wire part etc. Trim width of special paper machine can be 300mm-4800mm, machine speed is 20-350m/min, producing filter paper, non w